Disclosure of Services and Agreement
This Agreement made, effective immediately with verbal acknowledgment of Disclosure. Red Cardinal Management Corp provides courier services.
We provide a service to clients, their family members or legal representatives who are looking for courier and courier consulting services. The relationship is at-will, and the client may terminate the relationship with written notice at any time. We locate housing for adults in our discretion. We mail clients their curated options for security purposes, at which point the client is invoiced, and our services are rendered and concluded. Information gathered is covered by confidentiality. This document and health information will be shared only as needed. Red Cardinal Management Corp and their employees, owners, and officers are not considered providers and will not be liable or responsible for the acts or omissions.
1. Agency. Red Cardinal Management Corp Is appointed to use our information to complete their services both inside of the requested area and outside of it. This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements that might have been implied verbally or in writing.
2. Terms of Agreement. This agreement will expire at the time of written notice from Client. Client shall be under no obligation to Red Cardinal Management Corp except for any outstanding payment obligations existing at the time of termination. We do not courier illegal substances of any kind.
3. No Warranties or Representation. Red Cardinal Management Corp make no warranties or representation regarding the suitability. The client agrees to be responsible for conducting all investigations necessary to satisfy the suitability of said services. Nor does Red Cardinal Management Corp make any warranties or guarantees regarding that the client will be admitted to any housing as this is not in Red Cardinal’s control in any way.
4. Compensation. A one time courier fee is due according to the courier packages page. This fee covers courier services to and from.
Refunds: No refunds for services already begun. A service credit may be granted in company’s discretion. Client has 24 hours after verbal acknowledgment of Disclosure to rescind their request fo services, in writing.
Medicaid or Medicare Clients: We do not accept insurance.
Fee Scale